creative coaching
80% of what we communicate is non-verbal, but sensed. Which means that if we limit what we cultivate to the analytical/rational parts of our brains—neglecting our five senses and our intuition, our sensing body/mind—we’re not actually creating from the vast field of knowledge and wisdom available to us at all times.
As creatives, we are hired for our vision and our ability to design and generate what’s unique and inspired. But our day-to-day work is often filled with so many linear tasks and goals, processes, and the general press of time that it’s difficult to access The Flow beneath it all.
We all long to feel alive, dynamic, and nourished during our working hours. And our creative practice demands continual care, no matter how masterful or professional we become in our craft.
Taking ourselves out of our ordinary cycles and loops—our habitual approaches to creativity—and practicing simply resting in the present moment allows us to drop fully into our bodies. From that place, the intuitive mind opens; and from that receptive stillness, we can explore and take our creative work in new directions.
My offering is to support you in cultivating a deeper relationship to your inner wisdom, and therefore to your creative endeavors at work. We’ll use explorative inquiry into what’s holding you back from the fullness of your creative path.
You’ll explore writing or collage a storyboard, we’ll brainstorm your resume, or write LinkedIn emails, and we’ll tap into the underlying current that will be the transmission for your work. I will hold the space for that creative transmission.